Networking Opportunites
More ways to connect
The conference events are a wonderful place to network (more information can be found on them here), however this year we have a few new options to even further increase your networking opportunity.
The Networking Room
Throughout the conference breakouts, this room will be made available to attendees as a networking retreat. Located in the middle of the breakout rooms it is easily accessible for a quick catch-up, quiet time away from the program and of course, networking. It will be open the same hours as the breakout sessions on Thursday 10am to 5pm & Friday 10am to 5pm.
The Networking Room will serve as our conference hub for late registrations, questions and similar. It is also where the NBBQA table will be located to assist with any association questions such as memberships, website access, sponsorships, and similar.
The Networking room will also be the location for the purchase of this year's conference pin (and limited previous years).
Happy Hours
Happy hour events are held each day of the conference to encourage networking among members.
Wednesday Happy Hour
Time: April 1st, 5:00pm
Theme: Welcome!
Location: Archibald Cochran Foyer
Notes: You may choose this time to sign in for the conference which will be in the same location then move straight on to the welcome event - Culinary Fight Club.
Thursday Happy Hour
Time: April 2nd, 5:00pm
Theme: Special Interest Groups
Location: Archibald Ballroom
Notes: During this happy hour you will be able to select your main SIG and get a sticker and a free drink ticket. Stay in the same location to attend the 2020 Awards Dinner
Friday Happy Hour
Time: April 3rd, 6:00pm
Theme: Meet the Board
Location: Pit Barrel
Notes: Meet the board, they are the amazing volunteers that keep this association alive. This happy hour will lead straight into the Night of Fire.
Conference Events
Don't forget the events that always offer great networking opportunities.
Culinary Fight Club - Street Food
Wednesday April 1st, 6:00-9:00pm
Key Note Speaker-Breakfast
Thursday April 2nd, 9:00-10:00am
2020 Awards Dinner
Thursday April 2nd, 6:30-9:30pm
Meet the Masters' Lunch
Friday April 3rd, 12:00-3:00pm
Night of Fire Dinner
Friday April 3rd 7:00-9:30pm